GRAPHIC: Nigerian police sergeant kills colleague while on duty ( VIDEO) - Breaking News in Nigeria today 247 | TheWatchNGR


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Friday, April 24, 2020

GRAPHIC: Nigerian police sergeant kills colleague while on duty ( VIDEO)

By Eric Patrick

A female Nigerian police sergeant identified only as Elekwachi was allegedly shot dead by her colleague who is also a police sergeant while she was on traffic duty.

However, our correspondent gathered that the police sergeant flee the scene after committing the crime.

The deceased who hails from Ozuzu, Etche was said to be shot by a sergeant identified as Bitrus Osaiah who was attached to the Operation Department of the command.

"Confirming the development, Nnamdi Omoni, rivers police Spokesman, told THEWATCH NEWS that the alleged sergeant Osaiah, has been arrested, disarmed and undergoing Orderly room trial."

“Two other members of the Task Force have also been arrested and being questioned. The Hilux vehicle belonging to the Task Force has been impounded, the corpse of the dead Sergeant deposited in the mortuary.

“The Commissioner of Police, CP Joseph G. Mukan, has ordered an investigation into the matter with a view to unravelling the circumstances that led to her death.

“The CP appeals for calm, pending the outcome of the investigation, promising that justice must be served in the circumstance.”

W/Sgt Lovender Elekwachi until her untimely death was serving at Eneka Division and was posted to the Eneka Roundabout on traffic duties.

Bystanders at the scene said the traffic woman was appealing to her colleagues attached to the Task Force against congestion from destroying wares of defiant traders when she was shot.

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