Separate journalism from partisan politics - Garba Shehu to Punch Newspaper - Breaking News in Nigeria today 247 | TheWatchNGR


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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Separate journalism from partisan politics - Garba Shehu to Punch Newspaper

Punch Newspaper, Garba Shehu, APC, Buhari

By Eric Patrick,

The Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu on Wednesday says that Punch Newspaper's double standards in cuddling some of our past dictators and their open contempt for President Buhari clearly show that the paper has sinister motives for its current curious editorial judgment.

Garba Shehu made this statement on his verified Twitter account @GarShehu on Wednesday stating, Its personal hatred for and animus towards President Buhari should not be allowed to becloud its good judgment.

According to Garba the Punch newspaper should separate journalism from partisan politics. What it is embarking upon is purely political and it is designed to play to the gallery and cause confusion.

Is it within the paper's responsibility or power to change the official title of the man who occupies the office of the President? Does that mean any newspaper is free to address the Comptroller General of Customs a Colonel rather than his official title?

However, he wrote this few hours after the First  Lady Aisha Buhari tweeted the unfaithfulness of Garba Shehu to the First Family.

THEWATCH NEWS learnt that Aisha Buhari had on Wednesday released "a press release"  stating that “Garba Shehu as Villa Spokesperson knew the truth and had the responsibility to set the records straight, but because his allegiance is somewhere else and his loyalty misplaced, he deliberately refused to clear the air and speak for the President who appointed him in the first place. “Consequently, his action has shown a complete breakdown of trust between the First Family and him.”

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