BREAKING: I'm the only person to make Nigeria better again, Says Buhari - Breaking News in Nigeria today 247 | TheWatchNGR


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Saturday, June 1, 2019

BREAKING: I'm the only person to make Nigeria better again, Says Buhari

By  Eric Patrick,

Few days after his inauguration President Muhammadu Buhari of the all progressive congress [APC] on Friday says he is the only person to make Nigeria better and he will do all he can to make the country better before his tenure finishes.

According to him, his last four years endured a lot of insults,  pains, and slowness due to the untrusted people around him.

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President Buhari also said that he won't stop fighting corruption in the country because that is the biggest challenge facing our nation today.

THEWATCH NEWS [] reports that Buhari had earlier said that he is not "BaBa Too Slow" promising Nigerians that soon they will see him in action.

A lot of people had criticized my government and I still thank those who voted me in, I will make sure I stop the killings in some parts of the country,  insecurity, poverty, will be eradicated.

President Buhari also added that taking the country forward is not only his ability but the ability of every single Nigerians. 'I can't see every part of the country in one place, it is also your duty as a Nigerian to move us forward so i call on all Nigerians to put behind criticism, hatred and help me as i make Nigeria better again.
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